Record helpers can do wonders for code clarity.

Record helpers can do wonders for code clarity.

// Never mind the silly example

TResult = (CompletedOK, PartiallyPerformed, NothingHappened, HorriblyWrong);

function DoSomething:TResult;


Result := PartiallyPerformed;


How do we determine failure vs success?

if not DoSomething = CompletedOK then …?

What about Partially performed and nothing happened?

Enter the helper:

TResultHelper = record helper for TResult

function Failed:Boolean;

function Success:Boolean;


function TResultHelper.Failed: Boolean;


Result := (Self = HorriblyWrong);


function TResultHelper.Success:Boolean;


Result := not Failed;


Now we can write

if DoSomething.Failed then …

Note that you also can enter the murky waters of obfuscation through helpers, but at least the murkiness will be consistent 😛

13 thoughts on “Record helpers can do wonders for code clarity.

  1. In plain pascal, I will define in the same unit than TResult:

    const RESULT_FAILED = [HorriblyWrong];

    and write a clean

    if DoSomething in RESULT_FAILED then …

    Sounds MUCH cleaner to me than using a record helper.

  2. or

    TResultSet = Set of TResult;


    RESULT_FAILED = [HorriblyWrong];

    RESULT_SUCCESS = [CompletedOK, PartiallyPerformed, NothingHappened];


    TResultHelper = record helper for TResult

    function Success(const SuccessStates:TResultSet = RESULT_SUCCESS):Boolean;

    function Failed(const FailStates: TResultSet = RESULT_FAILED):Boolean; //

    function TResultHelper.Success(const SuccessStates:TResultSet): Boolean;


    Result := (Self in SuccessStates);


    function TResultHelper.Failed(const FailStates: TResultSet): Boolean;


    Result := (Self in FailStates);


    to allow you to deviate from the defaults on need.

  3. Lars Fosdal Luddites? I not going back to GWBASIC. I will continue to happily run my Turbo Pascal in a Windows 98 command window thank you very much :p

  4. GWBASIC? Luxury! We had to cut our own punchcards from old shoe boxes with a blunt pair of scissors and then punch holes in them with a rusty nail! And on Fridays…

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