Happy 22nd Birthday, Delphi!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Delphi!

Originally shared by tmssoftware

1 was released exactly 22 years ago, on Feb 14 1995, and that year we released our first Delphi components!

10 thoughts on “Happy 22nd Birthday, Delphi!

  1. CP/M: Compas Pascal, TP 3.0

    DOS: TP 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, BP 7

    Windows: TPW 1.0. TPW 1.5, D1, D3, D5, D6, D7. D2005, D2006, D2009, D2010, XE, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8 D10, D10.1

    Redacted : Redacted

  2. TP 3 in school time, started with D1 but first serious app developed in D2. Own licence since D3.

    It looks like only dinosaurs here. ;-). No fresh blood…

  3. …and after it someone introduced me Java. I’ve created first app which was 10x times slower then similar Delphi. I thought – idea is good, but what a crap ! 🙂 Next, my first HTML that year. What a pain in UI creation comparing to Delphi 🙂

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