How serious is Norway about climate change? So much that its streetlights self-dim.

How serious is Norway about climate change? So much that its streetlights self-dim.

“The system, called Eagle Eye, is manufactured by a Norwegian company called Comlight. It’s one of several technologies Norway is deploying to cut its energy use.

This particular installation in Hole involves some 220 light posts fitted with radar that senses oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

When no object is detected nearby, however, the system dims the lights to 20 percent of total output, saving some 2,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity per week.”

According to the video, the energy cost saving pays for the added tech cost in less than five years – and that is with the cheap hydro power in Norway – meaning that other countries with higher cost per kWh, would have even bigger savings.

16 thoughts on “How serious is Norway about climate change? So much that its streetlights self-dim.

  1. Är ganska trött på att vi skandinaver ska “rädda planeten” från undergång genom att göra någon dyr åtgärd som har ganska exakt 0 effekt på planetens hälsa, där argumenten från miljöaktivisterna då ofta blir “jo men vi måste ju föregå med gott exempel” (nej det behöver vi inte för vi gör redan det).

    Vet inte om just detta faller inom den ramen dock för det kan ju finnas andra fördelar med behovsstyrd gatubelysning än just miljöskäl.

    Praktexemplet på idioti är Göteborg där de byggt bort massa filer för att det ska “bli mindre utsläpp”. Resultatet är ändlösa köer och massivt tomgångskörande.

    Eller den höjda bensinskatten.. eller flygskatten. För vi har ju så mycket flyg över Sverige…

  2. Robert Nilsson Jeg mener at “redde planeten” tiltak i utgangspunktet er nyttige. Det betyr ikke at alle tiltak er vellykkede, og Göteborgseksemplet låter som et politisk stykke arbeide, og ikke noe som en ingeniør står bak.

    Jeg tror det er viktig å utforde status quo, for selv om vi er best i klassen nå, så beveger jo teknologi og behov seg hele tiden.

    Hva om man også puttet inn et nettverk for trafikkdata i disse lysene? Noe som gjør det mulig å fortelle bilen at rundt neste sving så er det stillestående kø, etc. Eller mobil signaler, DAB signaler, eller kanskje til og med Wi-Fi.

  3. Lars Fosdal hardly at all the roads are light by people putting lights at their doorways like before lamp posts.

    The roads are slow and safe to start off with, we don’t have accidents on them.

  4. My company designs LED light electronics, and this has been one of our primary design goals for years. LED’s for mass/area lighting can dim or brighten instantly, and if they dim to 10% illumination they still provide adequate illumination for someone approaching, and can go to full brightness when the person gets close. That should be an enormous power savings with virtually no reduction in functionality.

  5. John Bump and they are the ‘wrong colour’ to many people.

    [ ed ]
    Animals get confused, birds singing at 4 in the morning in Jan!!!

    I’m glad when those too white crap-houses are turned off.


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