Nach 2022 soll das Herbizid nicht mehr verwendet werden, fordert das Europaparlament. Der Beschluss ist nicht…

Nach 2022 soll das Herbizid nicht mehr verwendet werden, fordert das Europaparlament. Der Beschluss ist nicht bindend, die EU-Staaten könnten anders entscheiden.

6 thoughts on “Nach 2022 soll das Herbizid nicht mehr verwendet werden, fordert das Europaparlament. Der Beschluss ist nicht…

  1. 70% of the flying insects have disappeared. We need to understand why this is happening. And also if other insects are affected (non flying). That could very well be the real ecological disaster we are facing.

    Not saying Glyphosate is the culprit. But something sure is.

  2. Thomas Mueller Worst part is that since the patent on glyphosate has expired it is cheap and readily available and that prevents certain greedy companies from introducing a new patented and expensive weedkiller. So there’s a chance Monsanto and others like them are actually interested in getting it banned.

  3. National Center for Biotechnology Information have a study on pollinating bees and Glyphosate. A rather good study as well as I can judge. – Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behaviour. – PubMed – NCBI

    So even if the substance is low in toxicity it does have an effect. There may also be combinations with other substances such as pesticides and so on. If a pesticide is used to kill of a certain pest it may make other insects more sensitive to the herbicide later applied. Or the other way around.

    Something is killing off insects en masse. We need rapidly figure out how to reverse it.

    Still not saying this is certain or that Glyphosate should be pointed out as the the culprit but the less pesticides and herbicides we use lessens the risk of ecological collapse.

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